Iran is a significant regional actor whose behaviour affects not only its immediate neighbours but also the European union and countries like Sweden In the last 12 months Irans political trajectory in the region has undergone a major strategic shift due to the international agreement regarding its nuclear program. The agreement enabled the lifting of sanctions in January 2016 and was followed by crucial parliamentary elections in February.. It has also opened doors for western companies to reinvest and freely trade with Iran – which is expected to boost the country’s economy in the coming years. At the same time the agreement has exacerbated regional tensions especially with Irans rival Saudi Arabia.

How has the results of the elections influence the countrys political landscape? How can we understand Irans new role in the international community? What is Irans role in the conflict-ridden Middle East and the war in Syria?  And what kind of relationship will and should the EU have with Iran? And what is Swedens view on Iran and the countrys role in the region?

Folk och Försvar in cooperation with the European Iran Reaserch Group (EIRG)  invites you to a seminar on Iranian domestic politics and foreign policy. The seminar will address the effects of the lifting of sanctions, the parliamentary elections in february 2016 and Irans role in the regional conflicts and relations to EU.


Moderator Minou Sadeghpour, Program Manager, Folk och Försvar

09:00 Welcome remarks
Minou Sadeghpour, Folk och Försvar

09:10 Swedens view on Iran
Carl-Magnus Nilsson, Desk Officer Department for Middle East, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs

09:20 Domestic and economic developments after the deal and parliamentary elections
Rouzbeh Parsi, Senior lecturer Lunds university & Director EIRG
Magnus Runnbeck, Senior analyst, Business Sweden

10:15 Coffee break

10:45 Foreign policy and regional relations
Aniseh Bassiri Tabriz, Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute, London
Dina Esfandiary, Fellow Kings college, London & Chairperson EIRG
Nicola Pedde, Director, Institute For Global Studies, Rome

11:45 End of seminar

Watch the seminar – part 1, part 2