European security and the future European union’s defence and security policy cooperation are topics widely discussed in recent times. Brexit, Russian aggression and American policies have influenced the debate and policy making, creating challenges as well as opportunities for a deepened relationship within the union.

The EU member states have recognized the need for strengthened joint defence capabilities, referring to rising tensions and a weakened security policy environment in general as primary reasons. Germany has been one of the influential members in the work carried out to strengthen the EU’s security and defence cooperation, aiming at enabling Europe to take an increased responsibility for its own security.

During Dr Géza Andreas von Geyr, policy director at the German defense ministry, visit in Stockholm we will discuss the German and Swedish perspectives on European security, closer cooperation and the European union’s needs regarding defense and security policy. How, and with what means, is security in Europe best created and upheld? Which are the primary threats to EU and its member states and how do we prioritize in terms of resources and national interests?



Moderator: Victor Canvert, Folk och Försvar

14:30 Introduction
Victor Canvert, Folk och Försvar

14:35 Security Policy in Europe 2019: A German perspective
Dr Géza Andreas von Geyr, Director General Security and Defence Policy Bundersministerium der Verteidigung

14:50 Commentary: A Swedish perspective
Johan Lagerlöf, Defence Policy Director, Försvarsdepartementet

14:55 European Security – wants and needs
Dr Gunilla Herolf, Senior Associate Research Fellow, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs

15:10 Q&A

15:30 Seminar ends