Allmänna Försvarsföreningen (AFF) and Folk och Försvar have the pleasure to invite you to a seminar on President Trump and the future of the transatlantic security

As the Trump administration takes office, questions have been raised on the future of the transatlantic relations and on a global American foreign policy in transition. With regard to NATO, Russia, China, the Middle East, and international trade, President Trump has opened the door for new American postures, which would affect the Baltic Sea region and Sweden as well.

What will be the global foreign policy outlook of the new administration? How will it affect the transatlantic security community? What will be the implications for NATO and its partners? Will there be continuity or change in the American engagement in Baltic Sea Security? How is the bilateral Swedish-American defense cooperation developing and what are the prospects of deepening it further?


Moderator Minou Sadeghpour, Folk och Försvar

13.00-13.05 Welcome remarks
Minou Sadeghpour, program manager for security policy, Folk och Försvar

13.05-13.40 The global foreign policy outlook of The Trump administration
Barry Pavel, Vice President and director of the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security, Atlantic Council.

13.40 Coffee break

13.55-14.10 Implications for NATO and Baltic Sea Security
Anna Wieslander, Secretary General of Allmänna Försvarsföreningen and Director for Northern Europe, the Atlantic Council.

14.10-14.25 The future of the Swedish- US defense cooperation
Johan Lagerlöf, Director General for Security Policy, Ministry of Defence, Sweden

14.25-14.45 Q&A

14.45 Seminar ends