Sweden and Brazil launched a strategic bilateral cooperation between the countries in 2009. On 18 December 2013 Brazil selected Gripen to be its next-generation fighter aircraft. The partnership was renewed and updated in 2015 and includes the areas such as trade and investment, defence matters and science climate change. The countries share common interests and values in their foreign policy, for example in issues as peace and disarmament, poverty reduction, human rights and sustainable development. For Sweden, Brazil might not seem to be a given partner on global security issues, but since the start of the bilateral cooperation the two countries are developing a deeper security and defence cooperation and Brazil is a prioritized partner for Sweden. Since Brazil bought JAS 39 Gripen from Sweden the defence cooperation has deepened and the joint development and production links the two countries for a cooperation for a long time to come.
In this seminar we plan to discuss the bilateral relation between Sweden and Brazil, with a certain focus on the deepened security cooperation as well as the countries shared interests and common goals in their foreign policy. What are the common interests on security matters and how is the cooperation formed? What are the mutual benefits of the strategic cooperation? What are the common challenges facing the countries? How do they cooperate on matters regarding global peace and security?
Moderator Maud Holma von Heijne, secretary general Folk och Försvar
09:00 Introduction
Maud Holma von Heijne, Folk och Försvar
09.05 A Swedish perspective
Lena Bartholdsson, Head of Department for Strategy and Security Policy, Ministry of Defence, Sweden
09:20 A Brazilian perspective
Ambassador Alessandro Candeas, Director of the Defence and Security Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil
09:35 Comments
Dr Nan Tian, Researcher at SIPRI
09:45 Q&A
10:00 End of seminar